In the morning already I'm starting to make a little mess, taking some toys for the couch while  reserve my bottle waiting for the TV to be turned on in my favorite cartoon.
This is actually one of the best sensations to wake up early, stay with my warm and fluffy pajamas bears in the company of my lovely gentleman rabbit and pink scented teddy bear.

Hmmmmm... I love the bubblegum smell of my bear.

Melissa's Inventory 1 ToddleeDoo Fashion Blog


Hair: [BURLEY]_Octavia_LightBlondes
Head: Bad Seed - Bebe Mesh Head
Body: **Cute Bytes** ~ToddleeDoo - BabyGirl
Hands: **Cute Bytes** ~ToddleeDoo - HandPoses


Hoodie: Little Closet - Beary Comfy Hoodie - Cotton
Pants: .Snips & Snails. Beary Loungers - Peach


Pacifier: {BunBun} Beary Cute Paci - Tan Bear SECRET RARE
Pose: .click. Toddler Sits 4 (@marketplace)
Bottle: Sweet Baby - Baby Bottle Mesh
Bunny: [Spronkwings] Bunny Soother
Bear: **Cute Bytes** Bernie TheBear - BubbleGum *RARE

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